
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Toward Better Government:

Elizabeth Warren: One Way to Rebuild Our Institutions
"...I just released a report (PDF) examining 20 of the worst federal enforcement failures in 2015. Its conclusion: “Corporate criminals routinely escape meaningful prosecution for their misconduct.” In a single year, in case after case, across many sectors of the economy, federal agencies caught big companies breaking the law — defrauding taxpayers, covering up deadly safety problems, even precipitating the financial collapse in 2008 — and let them off the hook with barely a slap on the wrist. Often, companies paid meager fines, which some will try to write off as a tax deduction. The failure to adequately punish big corporations or their executives when they break the law undermines the foundations of this great country. Justice cannot mean a prison sentence for a teenager who steals a car, but nothing more than a sideways glance at a C.E.O. who quietly engineers the theft of billions of dollars. These enforcement failures demean our principles. They also represent missed opportunities to address some of the nation’s most pressing challenges. Consider just two areas — college affordability and health care — where robust enforcement of current law could help millions of people..."

On Torture:

Lauren McCauley: Pentagon Asks Psychologists to Reconsider Torture Ban, Argues 'You Never Know...'
"Following a damning investigation into the group's complicity in US torture, the American Psychological Association demanded the government remove military psychologists from interrogations..."

Permanent War:

Greg Jaffe & Missy Ryan: The U.S. was supposed to leave Afghanistan by 2017. Now it might take decades.
"...'What we’ve learned is that you can’t really leave,' said a senior Pentagon official with extensive experience in Afghanistan and Iraq who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe internal discussions..."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Taxes & Corporate Citizenship:

Robert Reich: How Should We Punish Disloyal Corporations?
"...In 2013, Pfizer raked in nearly $4 billion on sales of the Prevnar 13 vaccine, which prevents diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria, from ear infections to pneumonia – for which Pfizer is the only manufacturer. Other countries wouldn’t allow their patent systems to justify such huge charges. Neither should we – especially when Pfizer stops being an American company. The U.S. government also protects the assets of American corporations all over the world. In the early 2000s, after a Chinese company replicated Pfizer’s formula for Viagra, the U.S. Trade Representative put China on a 'priority watch list' and charged China with 'inadequate enforcement' against such piracy. Soon thereafter the Chinese backed down. Now China is one of Pfizer’s major sources of revenue. But when Pfizer is no longer American, the United States should stop protecting its foreign assets. Nor should Pfizer reap the benefits when the United States goes to bat for American corporations in trade deals..."

The 2016 Election:

Liza Featherstone:  Why This Socialist Feminist Is Not Voting for Hillary
"...This year, however, there is an inspiring reason to vote against Hillary: an actually existing socialist-feminist candidate in the Democratic primary. I’m talking, of course, about Bernie Sanders. He’s no Marxist revolutionary—if you’re waiting for someone who will expropriate the expropriators, you’ll have to wait a little longer—but he has spent his life fighting, consistently and without apology, for social-democratic policies that would improve the lives of a majority of American women. In contrast to Clinton’s devotion to imposing shame and austerity on poor women and their kids, Sanders helped lead the Senate opposition to Republican efforts to cut the WIC program, which provides nutrition assistance for mothers, babies, and pregnant women—and he has said that, as president, he would expand it. Other prominent planks in his platform that should be of interest to feminists include free college tuition, single-payer healthcare, high-quality childcare for all Americans, and a $15 minimum wage. In contrast to Clinton’s waffling on Planned Parenthood, Sanders has said that he would increase federal funding to the organization; and as part of his single-payer plan, he would expand support for women’s reproductive-health services... ...Clinton was honest about how deeply at odds with any democratic-socialist movement she is. 'We’re not Denmark,' she said, praising the 'opportunity' and 'freedom' of American capitalism. With this bit of frankness, Clinton helpfully explained why no socialist—indeed, no non-millionaire—should support her. She is smart enough to know that women in the United States endure far more poverty, unemployment, and food insecurity than women in Denmark—yet she shamelessly made clear that she was happy to keep it that way."

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