
Thursday, January 29, 2004

The Independent: WMD: Now it is Bush's turn to face uncomfortable truths

The Independent: Demands grow for inquiry into the case for war as Hutton is accused of a 'whitewash'

Greg Palast: BBC AT WAR Lord Hutton Blesses Blair's attack on BBC's investigation of Iraq war claims.

The Independent: Anti-war nations 'took bribes' before war began If true, this reinforces the notion that the conflict over Iraq is little more than a conflict over oil development profits. If French and Russian contracts with Saddam were permitted to stand, this would mean no buisiness for BP, Exxon, Shell, et al.

Maureen Dowd: Dump Cheney Now!

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

'Pentagon Papers' author Daniel Ellsberg: Leak against this war

Washington Post: Federal Judge Rules Part of Patriot Act Unconstitutional

AP: Nuclear Plant Cheated During Drill

A commentary by the 'liberal billionaire' that has Karl Rove worried: George Soros: The US is now in the hands of a group of extremists

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

NY Times Editorial: Mr. Cheney, Meet Mr. Kay, "The vice president's myopia suggests a breathtaking unwillingness to accept a reality that conflicts with the administration's preconceived notions."

Paul Krugman: Red Ink Realities

A few items from The Guardian:

German trial hears how Iranian agent warned US of impending al-Qaida attack, but was ignored.

The 9/11 Commission says that the Hijackers carried fake visas, which contradicts FBI Director Mueller's statements on the subject.

Nuclear inquiry targets father of Pakistani bomb

Monday, January 26, 2004

Financial Times (London):
Dick Cheney "waged a guerrilla war" against attempts by Tony Blair, the British prime minister, to secure United Nations backing for the invasion of Iraq.

The Globe and Mail: Robert McNamara: 'It's just wrong what we're doing'

The Independent (UK): The 50 lies, exaggerations, distortions and half truths that took [the UK] to war

The Independent (UK): George W Bush and the real state of the Union

Sunday, January 25, 2004

BBC News: WMD pressure builds up for Blair

lA Times: Cheney Is Adamant on Iraq 'Evidence'
Vice president revives assertions on banned weaponry and links to Al Qaeda that other administration officials have backed away from.

Human Rights Watch: In Azerbaijan, U.S. Sacrifices Rights for Oil

Saturday, January 24, 2004

TIME Magazine: Grand Jury Hears Plame Case

NY Times: Skeptic May Take Over Iraq Arms Hunt

In his latest piece 'Kerry's Good Intentions,' David Brooks appears to be arguing that Sen. McCain would be a better candidate for President than Sen. Kerry and brings up the issue in interest groups. The two major parties have the backing of very distinct interest groups. The facts surrounding who these interests are, the financial support they provide, and the record of legislation elected officials 'deliver' as a result, should be the focus of rigorous public debate, allowing our society to determine whose interests are more deserving, until it has an opportunity to force campaign finance reform. The media appears woefully reluctant to host forums for such discussion, preferring to focus on the horse-race aspect of campaigns.

Perhaps the US electorate isn't leaning electing another Democrat, but a Republican President such as McCain would be far preferable to George Bush and the interests he steadfastly serves. It should be remembered though, whose political operatives, directed by Karl Rove, torpedoed McCain's thiterto successful 2000 Presidential candidacy with dirty tricks: George Bush's.

Friday, January 23, 2004

NY Times: Bush May Seek Billions [More] for Iraq After Election

Bob Herbert: The Other America

Paul Krugman on electronic voting: Democracy at Risk

Kelly Brownell and Marion Nestle: The Sweet and Lowdown on Sugar

Today's NY Times Editorial Where Your Food Comes From has the courage to support a good idea, but fails to mention a related, but equally political issue that the Bush Administration also opposes: the labelling of food according to it's containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Thursday, January 22, 2004

t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt: The Color of Bush's Sky

Washington Post: Pentagon's Online Voting Program Deemed Too Risky

Boston Globe: Senate panel's GOP staff pried on Democrats

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Greg Palast: NO CHILD'S BEHIND LEFT: The New Educational Eugenics in George Bush's State of the Union

Bob Herbert: A Single Conscience v. the State

The following item is a jem. Quoting from the LuntzSpeak web site:
"President Bush and the Republican Leadership have a problem with their record on the environment. The American public doesn’t trust them to do the right thing, and many believe they are too close to corporate special interests to stand up for environmental protections. No one knows this better than the architect of the smooth language in the 1994 "Contract With America," Republican pollster Frank Luntz.

What to do? Instead of counseling his clients to take a principled stand against these polluting policies, Frank simply wrote a memo and invented LuntzSpeak — an exciting new way to put a positive spin on an abysmal environmental record.

Of course, this memo was supposed to be confidential. But lucky for us, Jennifer 8. Lee at the New York Times was given a copy by the Environmental Working Group. Now all of us can learn how to decode and use LuntzSpeak for ourselves!" The memo as a PDF.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Paul Krugman: Going for Broke

LA Times: Damage in Appalachia Trickles From Top

The recent mass-media discussion of the President's Mars Initiative omitted an important issue: public acceptance of the controversial nuclear rocket technology. Last year, Mr. Bush launched the Nuclear Systems Initiative to research nuclear power generation in an effort to shorten space travel times, signaling that nuclear non-proliferation is not a US priority (a splendid example of 'Do as we say, not as we do'). With the renewed interest in moon exploration, the lapdog media might have bothered to mention that the US never signed the 1979 United Nations Moon Treaty, created to prevent a rush of land claims and military bases. But we already know what this President thinks of international treaties...

NCM: Calls for Labeling Grow After Meats Are Found in 'Veggie' Foods

Monday, January 19, 2004

Sen. Edward Kennedy: A Dishonest War

Robert Reich: O'Neill Has Done His Country a Favor

Nat Hentoff: First Amendment Treats for the Rich

Sunday, January 18, 2004

AP: Group Sees Conflict With Cheney, Scalia

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Wired News:

Diebold Gets Stay in California

Greens Sue EPA to Stop Collusion

CBS Shields Pigskin Fans From Ads

Friday, January 16, 2004

The world according to Dick (What planet is he living on?) : VP Cheney reiterates long-discredited rhetoric. No matter, he's staying 'on message.'

t r u t h o u t - Ray Mcgovern: Advice for the State of the Union Address

The Guardian: US accused of sabotaging obesity strategy

Thursday, January 15, 2004

The Times of India: Repurcussions on Bush holds up 9/11 report

Wired News : Danish Tests Show Arms Found in Iraq Not Chemical

The Guardian: Saddam wanted jihadists kept at arm's length

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Bush's new $3 trillion space initiative is about the militarization of space, not furthering science. Bush Plays with Fire: Launching a Dangerous Space Policy
The Guardian: White House rethinks Iraq plan: Objections by the Shias' religious leader and the Kurds throw Washington's vital 'smooth transition' plan into confusion

The Guardian: US opens new front in war on terror by beefing up border controls in Sahara
NY Times: S.E.C. Has Found Payoffs in Sales of Mutual Funds

Martin Mayer: Follow the Money

NY Times Editorial: Keeping Detentions Secret

St. Louis Post Dispatch: The OMB wants to have the final say on releasing emergency declarations to the public

Washington Post: Racial Disparities Played Down

Paul Krugman: The Awful Truth

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

The Scotsman: Blair 'No Longer Believes his Own Wmd Arguments'

ABC News Online (AU): Secret document links vaccines to Gulf War syndrome: report

NY Times: Alternative News Gaining Influence

NY Times: Baker Backed Loans That Added to Iraq Debt

Monday, January 12, 2004

William Rivers Pitt: The Lies for War Unravel

Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, a former Pentagon insider: Open Door Policy

AP: Pentagon Auditors Altered Files

Thankfully, the 'Paper of Record' in the U.S. is also running with the story of what Paul O'Neill reveals in his new book 'The Price of Loyalty' : Bush Sought to Oust Hussein From Start, Ex-Official Says

Sunday, January 11, 2004

NY Times: Free-Market Iraq? Not So Fast Though far too soft on the potential illegality of Bremer's Order 39, this article raises a few good points.

Center for American Progress: The Myths of National Security Credibility

NY Times: Judges Order City to Release More Records About 9/11

NY Times: No Guardian for a Fetus, Court Rules

Saturday, January 10, 2004

CBS News: Saddam Ouster Planned Early 2001?

NY Times: Diplomacy: Powell Admits No Hard Proof in Linking Iraq to Al Qaeda

t r u t h o u t - Bush Administration Admits to Exposing Communities to Toxic Waste

Friday, January 09, 2004

The Center for Public Integrity: The Buying of the President 2004 - Who Bankrolls Bush and his Democratic Rivals?

t r u t h o u t - Kouchner, Total, and Burma

NY Times: I.M.F. Report Says U.S. Deficits Threaten World Economy

Paul Krugman: Enron and the System

Thursday, January 08, 2004

USA Today: Energy firms paying tab for GOP trip When are people going to demand real changes in campaign finance reform that make this sort of thing illegal? Even the appearance of any quid pro quo with industry lobbyists makes a mockery of representative democracy. My Rep. and Senators heard from me this morning. Have yours heard from you yet?

BBC News: Farmed salmon fed fish-meal high in 13 carcinogenic toxins

BBC News: Saudi charity head dismissed

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Washington Post: Iraq's Arsenal Was Only on Paper So now, $200 billion, 400+ American and 10,000's of Iraqi extinguished lives later, the other shoe drops... Where was the 'free' American press in the run up to this war?

AP: White House Seeks Secrecy on Detainee

Boston Globe: But George McGovern was right

The Sunday Herald: ‘Massive evidence of laboratories’ dismissed as red herring by Bremer

AP: Bush Seeks New Rights for Foreign Workers Interestingly, anyone who attempts to challenge current immigration law is open to attacks as being 'soft on terror.' But those who argue this are hiding the real issue of illegal labor providing very desirable super-cheap labor for agribusiness. Would you like to pay $4.00/lb for a CA tomato or a FL orange, as these costs will have to be covered somehow (not absorbed by the producer, silly!) ?

Would you pay more for the products that currently allow the cost of their manufacture/harvest to be externalized onto society as a whole? Why should this unfair practice continue?

The trick, of course, is that LEGAL workers have RIGHTS to safe working enviroments, which aren't available on the cheap.

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ: The Broken Promise of Nafta

Paul Krugman: Rubin Gets Shrill

Norman Solomon: George Will's Ethics: None of Our Business?

Monday, January 05, 2004

t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | Two Loud Words

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Time Magazine: The CIA Agent Flap: FBI Asks for Reporters to Talk

LA TImes: Political Fundraising in Texas Is Target of Probe

NY Times: Flight Groundings Lead Allies to Query Washington

SF Chronicle: Protesters wary of new tactic by feds / Obscure 1872 law cited in case against Greenpeace

Friday, January 02, 2004

Time Magazine: Condi and the 9/11 Commission

Thursday, January 01, 2004

James Ridgeway: Slaughterhouse Politics - Ranchers Fought Rules That Might Have Prevented Mad Cow

Ray McGovern: Don't Let Ashcroft Fool You

BBC: US ready to seize Gulf oil in 1973

The Guardian: US has got wrong men, Iraqi families claim

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