
Wednesday, December 31, 2003

t r u t h o u t - Ray McGovern: Hijacking "Him'' for Empire

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

CS Monitor: The terror threat at home, often overlooked

Paul Krugman: Our So-Called Boom

Sunday, December 28, 2003

San Antonio Current: Bush signs parts of Patriot Act II into law — stealthily
Washington Post: U.S. Decisions On Iraq Spending Made in Private

LA Times: 'Our Guy' for Iraq Leader May End Up Biting Us

Washington Post: Leaks Probe Is Gathering Momentum

Slate: Now It's a Scandal - New evidence that a House GOP leader offered a bribe. By Timothy Noah

Friday, December 26, 2003

Associated Press: GOP Congress Scuttled Meat Protection Measure

Miami Herald: The Scandal-scarred Florida County vote chief replaced

James Ridgeway: The Martial Plan

AlterNet: Murdoch's Mega-Media Merger

Maria Recio:Is James Baker Too Near Pie to Ask Nations to Forgive Slices?

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Inter Press Service: US Firm Bechtel Planned to Evade 1988 Iraq Sanctions

Washington Post: For Vietnam Vet Anthony Zinni, Another War on Shaky Territory

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Read this article very carefully. Then re-read it, replacing the threat posed by Cuban Communism with that of terrorism.
ABCNEWS.com : U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba

Paul Krugman: The Death of Horatio Alger

Naomi Klein: It's greed, not ideology, that rules the White House

t r u t h o u t - Interview: John Kerry with William Rivers Pitt

Le Figaro: Cheney Faces Indictment in France Over Nigerian Halliburton Deal

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

What follows is a perfect example of how US government manipulation of the news and shameless spin fail to tell the full story of Saddam's capture:

The Statesman: Saddam was held by Kurdish forces, drugged and left for US troops The credit for this story goes to the Sunday Express's Yvonne Ridley. She was interviewed this morning on Democracy Now!

NY Times: Rumsfeld Made Iraq Overture in '84 Despite Chemical Raids

Monday, December 22, 2003

NY Times: Inquiry Suggests Pakistanis Sold Nuclear Secrets With 'allies' like this, who needs enemies?

Reuters: Iraq Revives Russia Oil Hope, Gets Debt Cut Pledge So, the theory that the US-Russian-French conflict over going to war with Iraq was essentially about oil money, does hold water.

Sunday, December 21, 2003

Baltimote Sun: During trial, Hussein may try to implicate Western leaders ...which is why he will not likely be allowed to testify on his own behalf. No other person in Iraq has more information about the ties of his regime to the U.S.

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Washington Post: Rumsfeld Visited Baghdad in 1984 to Reassure Iraqis, Documents Show

Paul Krugman: Telling It Right

NRDC Questions Legality of Secret Dealings

Friday, December 19, 2003

boston Globe: Still no mass weapons, no ties to 9/11, no truth

Thursday, December 18, 2003

San Francisco Chronicle: Ashcroft's former Senate campaign, PAC to pay $37,000 FEC fine

NY Times: White House Memo: Remember ’Weapons of Mass Destruction’? For Bush, They Are a Nonissue

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

CBS News: 9/11 Commission Chair Kean: Attack Was Preventable

Florida Today: Senators were told Iraq not only had weapons of mass destruction, but had the means to deliver them to East Coast cities

t r u t h o u t Robert Fisk: Insurgents or Protesters?

William Safire argues for the right side, on occaision: Behind Closed Doors

heraldtribune.com: Convicted felons worked for electronic voting companies

Michael Moore: We Finally Got Our Frankenstein

NY Times Editorial: The Face of Scare Politics If the Times thinks this is in poor taste, Karl Rove's agenda for the 2004 race will hopefully take their outrage to new levels and might cause a few American voters to wake up. Fear is much easier to sell than hope. In the 2002 election, Mr. Rove showed how brilliantly this notion can be exploited.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Norman Solomon: For telling the truth

Paul Krugman: Patriots and Profits

Glaxo chief: Our drugs do not work on most patients

The Guardian: UN tribunal lets US edit former NATO chief's evidence for broadcast

Newsweek: Bin Laden’s Iraq Plans

Monday, December 15, 2003

LA Weekly: Made in the USA, Part III: The Dishonor Roll

Sunday, December 14, 2003

William Rivers Pitt: We Caught The Wrong Guy

Jules Witcover: Derailing the debate

AP: Judge Rips Lawyers in Detroit Terror Case

U.S. News & World Report: The Bush administration is doing the public's business out of the public eye.

Friday, December 12, 2003

NY Times: U.S. Sees Evidence of Overcharging in Iraq Contract

Editorial: Cutting James Baker’s Ties

Paul Krugman: Op-Ed Columnist: A Deliberate Debacle

Thursday, December 11, 2003

The Independent: The court case that could reshape US democracy

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

NY Times: Pentagon Bars Three Nations From Iraq Bids

Memo From Wolfowitz (PDF)

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Seymour Hersh Moving Targets
Newsweek: Cheney and the ‘Raw’ Intelligence

NY Times: How a Shady Iranian Deal Maker Kept the Pentagon’s Ear

Monday, December 08, 2003

Well, the 'official' media seems intent on promulating a particluar version of this story. Here, is the Washington Post's account: Bush Names Baker Envoy on Iraq Debt I think the Northrop Grumman ad on this page is a nice touch.

For a striking contrast, full of the facts that actually make this story interesting, check out what investigative reporter Greg Palast has to add to this story.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

LA Times - Stealth Merger: Drug Companies and Government Medical Research

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Sunday Telegraph (London): Revealed: the Iraqi colonel who told MI6 that Saddam could launch WMD within 45 minutes

An unanswered question would then be: has Lt-Col al-Dabbagh's story checked out?
Will the Draft Return in 2004?

Financial Times: Perle lobbied for Boeing's tanker bid or, How Richard Can't Keep his Hands Clean.

The Village Voice's Rumsfeld Watch: SecDef Rumsfeld Aims to Privatize the U.S. Military

Friday, December 05, 2003

BBC News: Israelis 'misread' Iraqi threat

Dean and the Corporate Media Machine

Thursday, December 04, 2003

Timothy Noah: Who Tried To Bribe Rep. Smith?

LA Times: U.S. Court Rules Against Parts of Anti-Terror Law
Interestingly, the cases of the "Lackawanna Six" were prosecuted under this law.

NY Times: Making Sure the Money Goes Where It’s Supposed To

Newsday: Iraq Could Produce Another Enron

The shameless Bait & Switch: Bush Raises Steel Money Before Tariff Decision

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

NY Times Editorial: Trading Favors

42 A-Plants Found to Lack Enough Cash for Cleanup

Two items from The Guardian of London:

US fires Guantanamo defence team

IDF refuseniks: 'We're air force pilots, not mafia. We don't take revenge'

The Scotsman: Inside story of how Washington is losing its bottle

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

NY Times: Iraq’s Shiites Insist on Democracy. Washington Cringes.

Republican Blocks Bush Arms Export Plan

Mother Jones: The Uncompassionate Conservative

Helen Thomas: Only dictators ban television news

Colo. justices overturn voter districts

Paul Krugman: Op-Ed Columnist: Hack the Vote

Monday, December 01, 2003

LA Times: Patriot Act Author Has Concerns

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